..WeLCome to PaSiLDa's WorLD..

Apa sih PaSiLDa itu? PaSiLDa itu lagu lamanya Afro Medusa, which is my favorite song of all time.

Friday, May 09, 2003

It's Fridaayyyy....

Listening to: Switchfoot - Dare you to move

Have you guys ever tested your website at CynthiaSays? This site can test whether your site is accessible for the people who are color blind or have any other dissabilities. It's also called Section 508. If your website passed section 508, then it's good, if not, then it's not accessible to people with dissabilities. It's kinda interesting..just try it, but it's a little bit irritating...!! I have this project that requires me to check on one of my websites that I've created using this cynthia site. I have no idea who Cynthia is and why they call it Cynthia, but she's so irritating, because you can only use this site one time, every one minute. So, you have to wait and wait and wait...every time you make changes. The worst part is I think all my classmates are using this site right now, and we all have the same website domain. So..this will take longer than I thought. Oh well..I think we're all procrastinators (although I'm not..:p), because it's due on Monday.

Anyways, I just re-read my yesterday's posting and I just remember that I said I met a friend at coffee club when I went back home. Actually it's not coffee club, but it's Coffee bean hihihi..it's a franchise coffee shop from L.A, I think. Hmm..slurp..slurp..jadi inget. It's at Plaza Senayan. I think there are too many coffee shop there and they all have similar names..that's why I'm confused!! They have starbucks, coffee bean, coffee club, tator, oh la la, regal, and I think there's some more that I can't think of right now. If you browse the Plaza Senayan website you can see that there are around 250 stores..and I just realize that i've been there million times, but there are still so many stores that I haven't visited, and of course, since I've been here, there are so many new stores there. They have Bang & Olufsen now, probably it's been there for more than a year, but still this store is awesome. Although I never buy anything from there, I can't afford it..hehe :p Check out the website..just for fun!

Alright then, I think I should get back to Cynthia and finish my homework. Later guys..and enjoy your weekend!!

Thursday, May 08, 2003

One Week Left before Graduation!

Siyal!! Barusan gue nulis panjang2 trus ngga bisa ke post, trus error! Padahal tadi udah punya firasat, kalo harusnya tadi gue copy semuanya dulu sebelum gue post, sekarang gue harus nulis lagi. Ya udah deh ngga papa..#@&#%*@&#!!

I'm sooo glad, that I don't have any finals!! Ada sih 1 final gitu, tapi itu juga optional..marketing gitu deh. Tadi gue ketemu sama temen gue, dia bilang dia ada 4 final minggu depan ini. Gue yang udah kesian gitu sama dia, tapi dianya seneng2 aja, soalnya dia bilang dia cuman ada 4 final doank dari 7 kelas yang dia ambil sekarang..bused! Hehehehe..good luck my friend..nora deh gue!! Ngga kerasa ih..tinggal seminggu lagi sebelum commencement..seminggu lebih sih..tanggal 17 May..lho..kawan2..hehee..hari Sabtu jam 1 siang di Moby Arena!! Akhirnya nyokap gue jadi juga dateng kesini hari Jum'at minggu depan. Asiik seneng deh gue, tapi bokap gue ngga bisa dateng, ya udah deh ngga papa.

Barusan gue ngambil year book gue, trus ko taun 2001-2002 ya, padahal kan gue lulus taun 2003..gimana sih, ntar mau minta lagi ah! Temen2 gue yang graduation semester ini yang disini (u.s) itu cuman Denny, dia di new york, trus satu temen gue, Rayner, dia di st. louis. Yang di jakarta gue ngga tau deh, belum kabar2an lagi, tapi kayanya juga udah ada yang mulai skripsi. Enak deh gue disini ngga perlu ada skripsi ehhehe...buat s1 sih. Ini gue barusan chatting sama Rayner dan gue baru sadar kayanya gue temenan sama dia udah lamaaaaaaaa banget. Udah dari kelas 1 SMP kali, heiehie...bayangin deh tuh. Gara2nya kita les di tempat yang sama..dia les biola gitu sama piano ehiehie..gue les piano. Bayangin donk..dari 1 SMP berarti udah sekitar 9 taun..lama ajaa..!!! Sampe pas udah ngga les aja, pas SMA, masih lumayan sering ngobrol2, sampe dia akhirnya pindah ke amerika duluan pas SMA. Trus pokonya kemaren terakhir ketemuan itu, pas sebelum gue kesini, berarti taun 2001 dan kemaren pas gue balik bulan Desember gitu, tiba2 kita ketemuan gitu di Coffee Club..hehehe...tapi ya udah cuman gitu doank, soalnya dianya juga udah mau balik lagi. Seneng juga kalo mikir gue bisa temenan selama itu..hehehee...!!!

Sama deh gue kaya si CrazYounGaL nih, gue juga kerjaannya sekarang nonton reality TV shows terus, terutama yang di MTV. Kalo bangsanya the bachelor gitu2 males sih, tapi kalo yang di MTV seru ehhehe. Gue juga suka nonton the "Battle of the Sexes", tapi sayangnya udah abis ehhehe. Trus gue juga lagi seneng nonton fraternity sama sorority life..heuehuee..kurang kerjaan ya gue. Abis kadang-kadang kalo ngga lumayan seru ya stupid aja cerita2nya. Lumayan lah buat hiburan hehehe. Oh iya, gue juga lagi nungguin Dawson's Creek, soalnya udah mau abis. Jadi minggu depan nihh...2 hours of Dawson's Creek..heihiee..soalnya gue inget banget, dulu pas kelas 2 SMA kali, pas jaman2nya Dawson's Creek baru mulai di TPI.

Ya udah deh, gue mau udahan dulu, ntar nulis2 lagi..bye all!!! *kali ini gue copy dulu biar ngga ilang lagi*