..WeLCome to PaSiLDa's WorLD..

Apa sih PaSiLDa itu? PaSiLDa itu lagu lamanya Afro Medusa, which is my favorite song of all time.

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

wah..payah deh kalo emang bener2 orang indonesia lagi di ban gitu..ngga seru ah. Jadi pingin balik malahan hehe. Hari ini di Fort Collins panaaass..trus siang2 tiba2 berangin..jiye bahasanya berangin. Trus udah gitu malem2 ujan..ngga beres deh nih..katanya juga mau snow. Gile jaman2nya state2 lain pada snow kita snow..giliran pada panas trus udah pada pake celana pendek..kita masih snow..terserah siyh! Anyways..waktu hari apa yah..2 hari yang lalu ngobrol sama Denny, temen gue di ny. Ceritanya kita lagi iseng pingin bisnis bareng..jiye..gaya amat..tapi belum tau mau ngapain. Temen gue yang satu lagi katanya juga lagi ekspor-impor sabun..hehe..ada2 aja yahh. Oh iya..tadi juga sempet ngobrol sama temen gue yang di Melbourne..udah lama banget ngga ngobrol, jadinya udah ketinggalan gosip2..hehe ape lagi.

Ngga kerasa kalo disini udah mau International Week lagi..padahal kayanya baru banget selsainya..well..it's still in November though, but yesterday we had already had our first meeting..hehe..selamet ye..males amat! So..for all the 'new officer(s)'..hehe..remember..dana ketat :D Udah mana pake ada yang berantem2 segala lagi (hint: bukan orang Indonesia ko yang berantem2)..ngga berantem sih..cuman tegang2 gitu..hhehe..tegang lagi bahasanya. Biasalah..aneh2an gitu..masalah agama dijadiin satu sama masalah budaya..gitu deh..apalagi kalo udah ada orang2 jenggotan itu..hehe bukan Puma lho..Puma jenggotan..dikit..tapi ngga kaya gitu..:P Katanya temen gue, si mas Welli..mereka tuh sampe nyewa kantor di satu gedung di Fort Collins gitu..buat dijadiin kantor..administrasi gitu kali yah..bused deh. Syerem..!!

Oh iya..hampir lupa..ada anak Indonesia baru lho disini. Tadi nelpon gitu..cowo..pindahan dari Jakarta. Sekarang tinggal di dorm, Allison Hall..hehe. Dia anak Engineering tapi masih open option. Kayanya besok mau ketemuan gitu pas lunch break. Ya udah deh..bagus banyak yang dateng hehe. So far..there are 3 new Indonesian Students here..I think..cause I've never met the 3rd one..ehuuhehuee. Namanya katanya sih Tio gitu..orang2 kalo ketemu cuman pas kalo lagi solat Jum'at. Ngga tau deh..orangnya yang mana..katanya sih tinggal Off Campus..trus dia pindahan dari Texas..katanya sih.

Hmm..by the way..I have my own topic of the day (jiye dhania)..pernah ngga sih ngerasa..dicurhatin sama orang yang salah..? What does it mean by 'orang yang salah' anyway ? For me, 'orang yang salah' itu bisa orang yang ngga deket2 banget ato juga bisa bekas gebetan ehueuuee (nora loe!). It doesn't mean that I don't like to hear other people's story or anything, but it's just weird because..I just don't wanna hear about it. It's not because it's boring or something, but I guess it's just kinda..hurting. It's fine though, I'm actually a good listener..if I'm in the mood for that :P And..you get to know more about that other people and what's going on in their lives. And..don't worry..I don't tell !! Remember that :D

Monday, March 24, 2003

It was snowing again this morning..which was not good, although it stopped like at noon or something. It is now 11.21pm and I just finished my database homework. Now I feel bored. I'm not sleepy yet..but I'm tired. I know that if I try to sleep right now, I'll end up watching tv and sleep at 1.30 or 2am. That happens every night, so usually I just wait until like 1.30am and go to bed. Ughh..how come the weekend went so fast..!! I didn't really enjoy my weekend since I had to work on both Friday and Saturday until aroung 8pm..plus..I had a really..really bad day yesterday. Maybe I just wasn't in a good mood..and someone knows why! But it's fine now..I'm smiling again..hehe :) Last Saturday was Yogie's birthday and we went out for dinner..HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We went to Bennigan's and went to Yogie's dorm, which kinda annoyed him a little bit..hehe. Hmm..what else..what else..owh..my mom called and told me that it's hard to find a ticket to US right now, because they're afraid of foreigners and any kind of biological weapons that may enter the US..what the heck ??!! Now I don't think anybody will come to my graduation..hiks..hiks..hehe..well that's okay..I can live with that, although it's sad :( Anyway..I can finally upload a picture on my blog..hehe..I don't know why I couldn't upload it the other day.

Alright..I'm getting tired now..I hope it's not snowing again tomorrow..nite2 guys :)