..WeLCome to PaSiLDa's WorLD..

Apa sih PaSiLDa itu? PaSiLDa itu lagu lamanya Afro Medusa, which is my favorite song of all time.

Monday, April 21, 2003

halo..halo..hehe..lagi iseng niyh di computer lab!! Baru kemaren gue nulis di blog kalo sekarang susah cari kerjaan..tiba2 quote of the day gue hari ini nyambung gitu..baca deh: "A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A., M.D., or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don't have a J.O.B." Fats Domino

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Listening to: Daniel Beddingfield - If you run away

Huaahmm...It's Sunday morning..and I just got up. I'm glad that I still have Sunday for a week end. For those who don't know, I work at the dorm cafetaria accross my apartment. Only on Saturdays though. That's why I never feel Saturday is a week end, although I still have Sunday! But sometimes I just have soo many million things to do on Sunday..oh well! Ngga kerasa deh gue semester ini mau lulus..May 17th graduation daynya..hehe..seneng ? Iya. Serem ? Iya. Senengnya ya selsai s1..hehe..seremnya, ngga tau abis itu mau ngapain..heuheue..yang pasti sih kerja trus sekolah lagi, tapi kayanya mau ntar dulu deh..I wanna take a break! I'm not sure yet if I wanna work in the marketing or computer info. system (CIS) area, since my major is business and concentrate on these two areas. Since the economy's going down in here, It seems hard to find a job, especially in CIS area right now. Not only that but we also have to compete with the engineering people (computer, electrical, mechanical, etc), MIS, computer science. That's why I'm glad that I also took marketing concentration since..last summer..i guess. Graduate school? Hmm..I've been thinking about it, but I still don't know what I want to study. I don't think I wanna study CIS again and deal with all that programming languages again! It's not that I hate programming, but I just wanna study something else.

You got Punk'd!

Anyways..I've been watching this show called "punk'd" in MTV with Ashton Kutcher as the host *he's cute :p. What they do in this show is just punking people, especially celebrities. It's so funny..well, sometimes. It seems that aston kutcher really hates boybands..that's why he's been punking artists such as justin timberlake and kevin richardson (back street boys). I really love the way they punk'd Justin..it's so funny when you look at his face. The show begins at Justin's new house. He just bought a new house and his things are still outside the house..unpacked! Suddenly there is this guy who said that he's a tax agent and said that Justin has an unpaid tax and because of that he's going to take all of his things including his house and his dog. All of his things are going to be put in auction. They kept him so frustrated for at least 15 to 20 minutes when ashton kutcher was finally arrived and told him that "he got punk'd"! this show is funny and it's worth to watch..enjoy!!