..WeLCome to PaSiLDa's WorLD..

Apa sih PaSiLDa itu? PaSiLDa itu lagu lamanya Afro Medusa, which is my favorite song of all time.

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Sesuai request vanda..sekarang topicnya snow. Hari ini hari terakhir libur snow..payah deh..kenapa sih..udah tau hari kejepit..mustinya libur juga. Mustinya orang2 yang lagi bersih2 diluar disuruh libur..biar murid2 libur. Diluar saljunya udah tipis..trus udah ngga ada pahatan snow yang lucu2 lagi kaya kemaren. Kemaren tuh yah..ada yang buat iglo..trus katanya di dalemnya ada kompornya segala macem..dibuat dari snow. Tapi gue kemaren ngga sempet ngeliat ke dalem..soalnya kata temen gue lagi ada orang ciuman di dalemnya ehuehuuee. Trus udah gitu..ada pahatan yang jorok..telenji2 gitu..hihi..trus di film-in sama temen gue..hehe. Kemaren tadinya mau buat snow man..tapi akhirnya ngga jadi. Roomate gue malem2 sama cowonya malah snowboarding diluar..di depan kamar gue. Kan kamar gue kan di lantai satu..tapi masih harus naik tangga lagi dikit..trus..dia manjat2 di depan jendela gue gitu..ceritanya trus lompat..jiyee..gaya banget ngga tuh..ck..ck..ck..gue sih cuman dadah-dadah aja dari dalem hehehe. Trus apa yah..seharian tadi gue nonton tv..nontonin berita..abis seru gitu..trus mata gue jadi ijo2 terus kalo ngeliat ruangan..gara2 yang di sorot di tv selalu tempat yang di ijo2in itu..hehe apa sih ngga lucu.

O iya..kemaren gue baru ngobrol sama temen gue..trus gue baru nyadar aja..ngga tau kenapa..ko gue pergi dari jkt..trus kesini baru setaunan..tiba2 banyak yang jadi dj..hehehe..uhuy. Payah deh..kaya pas kemaren fall gue balik..temen gue yang lain yang gue baru2 kenal pas gue mau berangkat..tiba2 udah main dimana2..trus gue ngga sempet ngeliat dia main. Trus temen gue yang kemaren gue ngobrol itu..tiba2 mau main. Dateng tuh dateng yang di jkt..hehehe..biar rame..di prego katanya (ceritanya sok2 promosi). Ya udah deh ahh..ntaran lagi..gue lagi mau memperbagus blog gue hehe..kan gue newbie..
Have you ever felt that you want something but you just can' t have it? Have you ever felt that way ? It's s**ks..really. I don't know..maybe I just kinda miss the old times..that's all. Hmm..I shouldn't had stayed up and talked too long . Oh well, sometimes you just can't always get what you really want..

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

It's getting scary

America's on war..hmm..what do you expect? I'm not really an ignorant about all of these, but still sometimes I just don't like to talk about it. I've been watching the news all day, and it's just getting scary, it really is..and it's sad. Oh well..what can we do? Anyway..there's no school today..and tomorrow also..which is nice..:) I've been trying to finish up my paper for my marketing class today and try to do a little work for my internship. Then I went out for a while with silvan and yogie just to play in the snow..hihiee...nora ngga sih. Don't laugh..but we're kinda filming it..euhuaehee..sstt! Alrighty..I think that's all for now..'till then :)

What a day!
It's now 11.33pm and suddenly I miss home so much. Here I am..stuck in this small boring town in Colorado..what a life. Saljunya hari ini gede banget, udah gitu jalanan licin banget..udah pengen nangis jadinya, I hate it. Payah deh..kenapa sih sekolah udah tau kaya gini masih aja buka! Untung hari ini cuman ada group meeting doank, so it wasn't that bad though. I went home and just got nothing to do. Just sitting and messing around with my computer, watch tv and eat. I chatted with Vanda, who's counting her last days at Austin. We talked about lots of stuff. One interesting part that we talked about is that "FBuddy" thing. Hmm..there are lots of interesting things going on nowadays in Jakarta. I also chatted with mr. bimz for like a few lines :p Hmm..he's still enjoying his third day of his new job. Congratulation, you..! Suddenly there's a tree colapse outside and I could see it from my bedroom window..I thought it was the sound of Ayako, my roomate, closing her window, but it wasn't. It's probably because of the wind and the snow today, it's just crazy. Anyway..I just remember that I talked to Cong, my friend from high school, the other day and she said that there's going to be a reunion next month. I was like hmm..what a great timing! I kinda miss high school and my friends. For those of you who don't really know me, Tarki 1 was my high school. I spent my three best years there. It was really fun and because it's a girl's school, we're all really close. Well not all though. Oh well, I think it's time for me to do my ritual before I go to bed..brush my teeth and watch three's company (yup..I always watch this old tv show at night..don't laugh, but I once downloaded the tv theme song..ehiahieie..sssttt!) Okay..nite2 everyone..my sweety...owh..I almost forgot..how's PuMa doing today..heiieie..:p I thought you're gonna call or msg me tonight..hmm...you must be sleeping right now..great! Anyway, good night to you..and I'll see you soon. Here's my song for the night "...Say nighty-night and kiss me
Oh, hold me tight and tell me you miss me
While I'm alone and blue as can be
Dream a little dream of me.."